
This is a non profit enterprise, all funds for equipment are coming from my pocket. Please donate generously.

Wednesday 18 February 2015


I have not posted in a long time. I said I was going on a short hiatus because things have taken an unexpected turn, this break may be longer than previously scheduled as I need a while to get things back on track. I am making great strides in collecting all of the pieces of my unsorted life into one place, it doesn't help that I have been in bed all day today with a stinking head cold and with my mums condition I am quarantining myself until I can confirm the illness is gone. I just thought, being cooped up in this tiny room all day watching repeats of 'Trailer Park Boys' I would give anyone still listening a quick update to assure you that I haven't died of stress.

Thanks :D

Saturday 10 January 2015

Quick Update.

I haven't updated in a while, college has taken a huge bite out of my time but I am still making stides in the Union Jack blanket. Once I have finished it I may take a months hiatus to get on with my studies, but after that I will focus a lot more time to this project. My vexillologist friends birthday is soon and I am also planning on making a blanket for him too, but making 54 different blankets for one individual would take too long so I am going to make a large blanket out of mini versions of each flag and then I will stitch them together, kind of like a granny square blanket but more rectangular. Going to bed now. Bye.

Tuesday 6 January 2015

One More Thing To Add.

I thought I would mention that I managed to configure the pages so that the World Of Flags navigation has a convenient little tab below the donation button. Now it will be easier to see which flag you are selecting!

Might as well try...

Alright my donation button was recently added, but if you feel like you want to donate to this project on a subscription service, then you can donate to my Patreon page! Patreon is a service where you can support people on a weekly, monthly etc. instalment plan. Simply enter the amount you want to donate and then every time I complete a flag, your money will go to the next project. If you only want to give a certain amount and then stop entirely, then you can set a cap on how much you want to donate! I must reiterate that I am not receiving any money for this enterprise and all of the leftover funds will be donated to charity, the blankets will be auctioned off for charity as well or donated to The Salvation Army to hand out to homeless at Christmas time. Please click on the Patreon logo below to visit my page.

Patreon Logo, flat

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back.

College was... eventful today. I only had to go in late today so I slept in and also got on with strip F. Tomorrow, well as I am typing this at 2:30am I mean today. I have one lesson first and one lesson last, which means I have to get up early, but after that I come back home and then go back again for last lesson. A bit tedious but I live maybe half a mile from the college anyway. Again I am playing the part of the night owl, for some reason sleep has not come easy to me this week. Maybe there is a mental check list in the back of my mind and I cannot rest until everything is checked off. Writing for this near-daily blog must be one of them. I got home today and straight away got going on strip F, I finally finished it to realise that it was improperly sized and because of my poor math it came out wonky one end and thin on the other. I decided to pull the entire strip out and then just get started on a part that I do not have to use my brain for. I got to work on the other four white borders around the cross, so far I have only finished half of the second one but I will be devoted to finishing that part before the week is over. Right, I guess I will pull an all nighter tonight, 50% because I want to finish the blanket asap and another 50% because Twelve Monkeys just started on TV. Pictures hopefully coming soon. See Ya.

Monday 5 January 2015

Back To College...

I should be in bed right now... I have to get up tomorrow to learn it it is depressing me. What is really strange is the fact that for the last four days I have been moping about my house bored wanting to go see my friends again, now that I have to go back when I wake up I really don't want to go. Just thought I would mention because there may be fewer updates in the upcoming days because of studies, but I will try my hardest to update as much as possible. I got a little of the blanket done today, not much I haven't even finished strip F yet.  Updates will come soon, at this moment in time I just cannot wait until I get to do the background of the blanket. See ya.